Thursday, May 29, 2008

If you want background imagery for a job and Google Earth has good imagery for the area you can pretty easily make it happen.

In Google Earth go to Tools > Options > 3D View and set the Show Lat/Long option to UTM. Center your targeted area and add a pushpin to each corner and the center of the image. Make the icon for the point a dot instead of the pin as your adding the markers by clicking the pin icon next to the name blank and choose the square or circle icon and set the scale to .5. Doing so will make the icons less obtrusive in the resulting image. Copy each point's coordinate on a scratch pad then go to File > Save > Save Image. Save the image and close Google Earth.

Open Topcon Tools, create a new job and edit the job configuration. In Coordinate Systems set the Projection to your UTM zone and set the Coordinate type to grid. Set the units to Meters. Click View > CAD and start adding the points. Once all the points are added change the projection to your state plane zone.

Go to View > Background images and click Add image. Navigate to and add the image from Google Earth. Zoom in to the first point and click Add point. Set the spatial point to the job point's name and hit OK. Repeat for the rest of the points. Once all points are added, hit calculate. Hit Finish, name and save the resulting .jpw file. Transfer both the .jpg and .jpw file to your data collector and add it to your job as an image.

Video coming soon.