Thursday, April 17, 2008

Concepts— When using RC2II and Radios, the majority of communication is handled by the radio link. The RC2II is used only for the quick-lock function. When the user activates the quick-lock function, the RC-2II transmitter sends an Infrared Single that is picked up by the RC2 Handle on the total station. The gun then turns to the source of the infrared beacon (RC-2II) and performs an Autolock

Total Station Setup— (note: many of the settings below are defaulted correctly)

1. Connect the radio to the total station via the 9-pin to 6-pin hirose radio cable
and turn the radio on.

2. From the main total station menu:

• Select the Para Menu [F6]
• Select the Communication Menu [F2]
• Select Serial Port RS232C/RC [F1]
• Select using the [F3/F4] keys
• Press Set [F1] then YES [F5]
• Select Set RC [F3]
• Verify the following settings:

∗ Channel [1]
∗ V.Search [15]
∗ RC [S]
∗ Retry [Std]

∗ Delimit [ETX]
∗ REC-A/B [B]

∗ NEZ-REC [Std]
∗ TrkState [ON]
∗ B.Rate [4800]

∗ Data.L [8]
∗ Parity [None]
∗ Stop Bit [1]

• Press SET [F1] then YES [F5]

• Press [ESC] back to the main total station menu.

3. From the Main Total Station Menu:

• Press Prog [F1] then MORE [F6]
• Press EXT.LINK [F3]

• Press 2. Setting [F2]
• Using the Up/Down [F3/F4] arrow keys, select RADIO MODEM SATEL 3ASd.
• Press SET [F1]
• At the Setting menu, Select 4.PARAMETER (RADIO MODEM) [F4]
• Using the Up/Down arrow keys, select . Press SET [F1]
• Select 2. SET FREQUENCY (3ASd) [F2]

• If the Frequency needs to be changed, press INP [F1] and type in the desired
Frequency. Else press OK [F6].

• Press [ESC]
• Select 1. Execute [F1]


1. Open the battery chamber and remove the batteries. Locate the dip-switch block at the bottom of the battery chamber and verify that dip-switch 3 is to the right. The other switches should be set the to left.

2. Put in fresh batteries if unsure about their age (typical
battery life is 40 hrs).

3. Connect the Y-cable between the radio, data collector, and RC-2II.

Ranger Setup

1. Run Survey Pro and Open a job for work.

2. Go to [Job] - [Settings]

3. Press [Create New Instrument]

4. Create an Instrument Profile with the following settings.

• Name: Robot with Radio
• Set the Brand to
• Set the Model to
• Ignore the Serial port and baud rate settings for now.

5. Press [Instrument Settings]

6. Set the EDM Mode: to the desired resolution.

7. Track Light: Auto

8. Check the Remote Control option.

9. Press the {Search} tab at the top of the display.

10.Set the desired Horizontal and Vertical Range.

11.Set Pattern to .

12.Set the Quick Lock:

13. Set the Radio to (or 2ASd if that is what you are using).

14. Enter the desired Frequency and press the [Set 3ASd Radio Frequency] button.

15.Press the {Track} index tab at the top of the display.

16.Set the desired search delay value in the Start Searching After: Field. (3 is a typical value).

17. Set the Track Speed value.

• GTS 800/802/810/815 should be set to .
• GTS 820/GPT 8000/8200 should be set to .

18. Set the Sensitivity to reflect the average distance that you will be shooting. (0-300ft) (300- 600ft), (600+ft)

19. Set the Turn Speed to .

20. Press the {Correction} index tab at the bottom of the display.

21. Verify that all the correction values are set to: 0

22. Press the [green check] button to return back to the Instrument Setup Page.

23. Press the [Defaults] button to default the computed Baud Rate and Parity values.
Verify that the Baud Rate is set to 9600 and the Parity to None.

24. Press the [Send to Instrument] button. Survey Pro should return a “Happy”

25. Press the [green check] Button to exit out to the Instrument Profile page.

26. Press the [green check] again to exit back to the Main Survey Pro Menu.

27. Select [Survey] - [Remote Control].

28. Verify active Angles are updating on the display.

You are now connected to your total station and ready to begin your survey.

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